Saturday, March 27, 2010

Three stories

New York: I have just come back from a difficult yoga class. I am hot and sweaty and every muscle aches. On my way home I drink a fresh vegetable juice. I shower and put on perfume and some tight pair of jeans (my legs are skinny) and a pretty top. Freshly showered I go meet my boyfriend for some good quality sushi and sake. I drink the sake and it goes to my head a little and I smell my perfume and the taste of alcohol. I feel good and strong and attractive.

Tel Aviv: I sit on the couch with my pregnant belly getting so big that I am beginning to waddle (only just). I am a little sick as I ate too much for breakfast (yet again) and my stomach muscles are aching around the top of my belly. My head is like cotton wool. I am watching "Dr Phil".

New Aviv: I come home after yoga, with a fresh vegetable juice in hand. I am strong again. I fit into all my old clothes. It is a warm day and there is a spring in my step. I open the door and my boyfriend is waiting there with our son. We leave for a a swim and a surf (my boyfriend and I take turns watching the baby while we surf).


  1. I did not know one could surf in T.V.! Oh, the other bits are good, too. xLt

  2. I meant T.A. (Maybe shouldn't eat dinner, feed my kid dinner, and post comments all at once...)

  3. Aint it true my friend! Glad to see you are looking past the stuffy nose, wobbly arse and pasty skin ;) keep blogging, would make a great book!
